Thursday, January 31, 2013

So you want to start a blog....

Here we go.... I've suddenly made the decision that I want to start a blog... Why you ask? I don't really know! I am a 25 year old Domestic Diva!! Mommy to 3 beautifully made children... Reagan(6), Dane(4), && Miss Kyla(1).

 Wifey of 7 years to Mr. Gonzales (aka James)... My BFF who I couldn't live without! <<Sounds perfect huh?? Well it is BUT it takes WORK, determination, dedication, sacrifice, love, and most importantly FAITH!

 My life has had it ups and downs as all do but I can honestly tell you that right now I am in an amazing place. My family is growing, my marriage is blossoming and I am slowly fitting into the role that I am destined for. I know that being a wife and mom can be extremely tough and I want to share my experiences so that I can maybe help, inspire, or even educate someone else. Do I know it ALL?? HECK no!!!! But maybe by sharing my experiences and hearing about yours we can grow together!!!!
I love crafting, cooking, fashion, home decor and have now decided to throw fitness into that mix! As if I didn't have enough on my plate I thought why not start a blog about it too! Yes I am crazy like that... but I think I feed off of the craziness of my LIFE... So hop on board and join in on this awesome journey I am about to take into HEALTH and HAPPINESS!!!!

P.S. Please don't call the grammer police on me because my grammer SUCKS!!!!

-Bria <3